Ono Asuka – Watch free Asian Dramas, released online for free in Thai, Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese and Hong Kong with English subtitles on Dramacool TC. https://dramacooltc.com Wed, 22 Apr 2020 03:27:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://dramacooltc.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/icon-drama.png Ono Asuka – Watch free Asian Dramas, released online for free in Thai, Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese and Hong Kong with English subtitles on Dramacool TC. https://dramacooltc.com 32 32 Bull Doctor https://dramacooltc.com/movie/bull-doctor Mon, 20 Apr 2020 14:43:29 +0000 https://dramacoolone.com/?post_type=movie&p=556673 Esumi's character Tamami is the "bull doctor" of the show's title, which comes from the word "bulldozer." Ignoring any opposition from the people around her, she uses any means necessary to determine the truth behind the deaths of the bodies she examines. Because of her personality, she is constantly at odds with both Ishihara and Inagaki's characters.

The post Bull Doctor appeared first on Watch free Asian Dramas, released online for free in Thai, Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese and Hong Kong with English subtitles on Dramacool TC..

Esumi’s character Tamami is the “bull doctor” of the show’s title, which comes from the word “bulldozer.” Ignoring any opposition from the people around her, she uses any means necessary to determine the truth behind the deaths of the bodies she examines. Because of her personality, she is constantly at odds with both Ishihara and Inagaki’s characters.

The post Bull Doctor appeared first on Watch free Asian Dramas, released online for free in Thai, Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese and Hong Kong with English subtitles on Dramacool TC..
